Friday, November 25, 2005

1st episode: part 2 ( syariah matters)

ok..... kali ni lak ... meh kiter same2 tengok bgaimane prihatin nyer govt kiter dlm proses mndaulat kn syariah islam di muke bumi malaysia nie..

ok.. pade taun 1988... perlembagaan persekutuan kiter telah di pinda dengan mndapat persetujuan( undi majority 2/3 dewan rakyat, dr majlis raja2, dr y.d pertuan agong n yg dipertua sabh n srwk). artikel yg telah di pinda= artikel 121(1) n name baru bg artikle tu= art 121 (1A)....

dlm artikel ni, stated that, mhkamah syariah di malaysia bukn lg dlm satu systm yg same ngan mahkmh civil.... so.. mahkh syriah kiter dh ader hirarky sendiri...

mahkmh rayuan syariah
mhkmh tggi syariah
mhkmh rendah syariah
(makmh rayuan=paling tggi ranking)
pas tu lak, dlm pindaan tu gak, stated that aper2 offence yg tertakluk kpd ( termasuk dlm jurisdiction) mhkamah syariah spt khalwt, cerai , kahwin n as aku mention dlm post b4.... sumer offences ni akn di bicare kn di mhkamah syariah SHJ....
so, mahkamah civil, tak ader kuase utk campur tangan dlm hal ehwal mahkmah syriah... ni la kiter katakan mahkamah syariah ader exclusive jurisdiction upon offences under its jurisdiction...
the same thing goes to mahkamh syariah yg tak ader kuase utk campur tangan dlm hal ehwal mahkamah civil.... adil kn?????
b'coz aku student law, aper2 kenyataan yg aku wat, aku wajid sertakn dgn suppotive evidence..
aku gune kan authority dlm kes :
dlm kes ni, hakim stated that, its clear that parliament intention upon the passed of the ammendment of art 121 (1A) is giving the exclusive jurisdiction to syariiah court...
2. sukma darmawan sasmitaat madja V pegawai penjara Malaysia
dlm kes nie, court held that, art 121 (1A) does not give exception 4 muslim to be bound to civil court if he/she commited the offence that not in the jurisdiction of syariah court...
ok..... aku rase.. utk episode 1st nie, citer aku dah abis... so korang ttgu jer utk 2nd episode of LAW TALK SHOW ok?? tajuk?? sinopsis?? tggu le k... aku akan kasi nnti!!!!! take care dude...

1 comment:

ady bangchik said...