aper yang kite akn buat klau kite dalam dilema?? tak kisah arr dilemma aper pon, dilema cinta ke, dilemma career ker, dilema dlm study ker, wut so ever la...
(byk jenis dilemma ni kn!!?)
alrite, sesetengah org kate, diiemma ni lebih kurang stress la.. coz bile kiter in dilema, kiter tak leh nk pikir properly, tak leh nk wat decision yang baguz, kerja jd tak tentu arah and so on..
ader gak org kater dilemma tu sort of masalah emosi i.e masalah perasaan jiwa and raga... tp yang nie aku tak paham sgt... entah la..
but... when we are facing this so called disaster, byk org buat keputusan yang pd kesan akhirnya membuatkan dia tu menyesal.. naper ekk?? (tp ader gak yg ok)
actually, dalam ape2 masalah pon yg kiter hadapi, yang paling penting kiter kene ingat n tau adelah : apekah PUNCA trouble tu?? apekah factor(S) that bring us to this problem at the 1st place??( i refer this to myself)
same gak ngan dilemma, pikir jap aper kah punca berlaku dilemma nie...pas abis pikir..mula kn lah modus aperandi kiter.. mcm mane nk settle nie..
pas kiter dah overcome aper kah punca tu.. and then stick to the plan!! paln utk settle kan masalah nie... klau aku, aku akn buat list mengenai perkare yg buat aku dlam dillema tu..
klau ader perkare, buat dua colums.. pas tu.. ko pikir sedalam-dalam nya aper kah effek negatif kalu korang pilih each drp pilihan yng korang aderr tu!!
please list down semua effek negatif nya... tak kisah la ader 20 ker, 30 ker, even 100 pon.. u have to list all that things down in piece of paper properly!!
same gak klau nk cari briteside foe each of ur choices!! wat gak list yg same cam kat ats... pas tu kire la n buat la timbang tara!!!! DILEMMA WILL BE SOLVED!!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Masalah karikatur lagi!!
rakyat malaysia hari nie, terutamanya beragama islam telah dikejut kan lagi dengan masalah penerbitan karikatur yang menghina junjungan besar umat islam, Nabi MUhammad s.a.w.
yer la.. lepas rusuhan dan protes besaran yang dia ader kan di seluruh dunia pel umat islam terutamanya di asia timur, ramai pihak mula sensitif terhadap perkembngan semasa masalah ni..
di Malaysia contohnya, selepas lesen akhbat sarawak Tribune telah ditarik balik baru-baru nie, ramai umat islam malaysia menyokong tindakan tersebut dan menyatakan tindakan uti sebagai "kena pada tempat". ade juga yang menyatakan itu sebagai titik akhir bagi "episod penghinaan nabi" nie..
tp..tak cukup ngan tu. satu akhbar tempatan yang lain pulak buat hal yg sama..
NST atau news strait Times telah menerbitkan semula beberapa karikatur berunsur penghinaan terhadap islam dan nabi kelmarin.. karikatur yg diterbitkan tu ader la lebih kureng ngan yg diterbitkan oleh denmark dan beberapa buah negara eropah baru2 nie..
ternyata, NST tak hormati langsung arahan drp Pak lah(PM) yang menyatakan kepada semua pihak: melarang dan menghentikan segala bentuk pernebitan semula karikatur2 nie di malaysia bagi meengelak masalah sensitiviti keagamaan yang pastinya menjurus kearah ketidakstabilam politik dan sosial di negara yang kita cintai ni.
aper nak jadi sekarang?? perlukah Akta Media cetak kita dipinda untuk impose hukuman yang lebih berat ke atas pesalah2 nie?? atau menarik permit NST seperti yang berlaku kepada Sarawak Tribune?? atau kita biarkan rakyat kita bangkit and wat protes besar-besaran dan bakar kilang NST seperti kejadian membakar Kedutaan Denmark?? atau pun kita boikot NST ngan memulaukan akhbar tersebut???
yer la.. lepas rusuhan dan protes besaran yang dia ader kan di seluruh dunia pel umat islam terutamanya di asia timur, ramai pihak mula sensitif terhadap perkembngan semasa masalah ni..
di Malaysia contohnya, selepas lesen akhbat sarawak Tribune telah ditarik balik baru-baru nie, ramai umat islam malaysia menyokong tindakan tersebut dan menyatakan tindakan uti sebagai "kena pada tempat". ade juga yang menyatakan itu sebagai titik akhir bagi "episod penghinaan nabi" nie..
tp..tak cukup ngan tu. satu akhbar tempatan yang lain pulak buat hal yg sama..
NST atau news strait Times telah menerbitkan semula beberapa karikatur berunsur penghinaan terhadap islam dan nabi kelmarin.. karikatur yg diterbitkan tu ader la lebih kureng ngan yg diterbitkan oleh denmark dan beberapa buah negara eropah baru2 nie..
ternyata, NST tak hormati langsung arahan drp Pak lah(PM) yang menyatakan kepada semua pihak: melarang dan menghentikan segala bentuk pernebitan semula karikatur2 nie di malaysia bagi meengelak masalah sensitiviti keagamaan yang pastinya menjurus kearah ketidakstabilam politik dan sosial di negara yang kita cintai ni.
aper nak jadi sekarang?? perlukah Akta Media cetak kita dipinda untuk impose hukuman yang lebih berat ke atas pesalah2 nie?? atau menarik permit NST seperti yang berlaku kepada Sarawak Tribune?? atau kita biarkan rakyat kita bangkit and wat protes besar-besaran dan bakar kilang NST seperti kejadian membakar Kedutaan Denmark?? atau pun kita boikot NST ngan memulaukan akhbar tersebut???
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Factor of "kepeningan"..
since last nite, aku tak leh nak tido sgt.. macam2 aku pikir nie haa. tentang family aku kat kampung ( home sick laa), soal PTPTN aku yang dah nak abis... aik.. jgn salah paham lak, aku dpat sikit jer loan tu.. sebab tu la dah nak abis nie.
then, aku duk pening2 pikir pasal MY STUDY.next week aku ader test mandarin kelas Ling loashi..next week gak aku kene submit assigment constitution law kat prof ismail badrulzaman( klasik nama kan??)..
today=tuesday.. pembuka tirai hari ni ader lah kelas LAW OF CONTRACT kat dwn kuliah Menara SAAS. Today aku belajar pasal breach of contract due to "frustration"(bukan frust yang korang paham tu) and due to "performance"(perbuatan)..
abis kelas kol 10.30am td, terus aku balik naik Jazz nadia ( my dearest classmate).but suddently dia ajak teman gi sec 7 kedai optik (utama optimatris) eyes solution.. pas tu trus dia hantar balik hostel..
sekarang nie aku abru jer abis kelas tutorial LAW OF TORTS pn fareza.. tgh tggu kol 4pm utk kelas mandarin that gonna be end at 6pm.
cakap pasal mandarin nie.. apeer perkaitan yang jelas mandarin ngan law kn?? actually cam ni.. kat semua fac di UiTM nie, ader offer 3rd language and syarat wajib bg student utk grade= complete kan 3 sem bahasa ketiga nie..
cam aku lak, kat LAW FAC, ader 4 3rd language= mandarin, arabic (aku penah fail time sekolah lu),french (tak minat arr) ngan japanese( minat sikit2).. so aku decide ambik mandarin coz kat malaysia ni, byk law firm yang dimonopoli by chinese lawyer.. so kalu aku ader knowledge about mandarin, so senang la aku nk dapt keje ngan chinese2 nie( kalu aku lepas LL.B Hons laa..)
so far, aku tak der problem sgt ngan mandarin nie.. agak steady la.. ala2 stabil gitu.. huhuhu.. aku ader baki 2 sem lagi untuk aku tamat kursus mandarin nie.. insyallah boleh kot.. ok arrr.. nak meng"visit" blog favourite aku jap..
then, aku duk pening2 pikir pasal MY STUDY.next week aku ader test mandarin kelas Ling loashi..next week gak aku kene submit assigment constitution law kat prof ismail badrulzaman( klasik nama kan??)..
today=tuesday.. pembuka tirai hari ni ader lah kelas LAW OF CONTRACT kat dwn kuliah Menara SAAS. Today aku belajar pasal breach of contract due to "frustration"(bukan frust yang korang paham tu) and due to "performance"(perbuatan)..
abis kelas kol 10.30am td, terus aku balik naik Jazz nadia ( my dearest classmate).but suddently dia ajak teman gi sec 7 kedai optik (utama optimatris) eyes solution.. pas tu trus dia hantar balik hostel..
sekarang nie aku abru jer abis kelas tutorial LAW OF TORTS pn fareza.. tgh tggu kol 4pm utk kelas mandarin that gonna be end at 6pm.
cakap pasal mandarin nie.. apeer perkaitan yang jelas mandarin ngan law kn?? actually cam ni.. kat semua fac di UiTM nie, ader offer 3rd language and syarat wajib bg student utk grade= complete kan 3 sem bahasa ketiga nie..
cam aku lak, kat LAW FAC, ader 4 3rd language= mandarin, arabic (aku penah fail time sekolah lu),french (tak minat arr) ngan japanese( minat sikit2).. so aku decide ambik mandarin coz kat malaysia ni, byk law firm yang dimonopoli by chinese lawyer.. so kalu aku ader knowledge about mandarin, so senang la aku nk dapt keje ngan chinese2 nie( kalu aku lepas LL.B Hons laa..)
so far, aku tak der problem sgt ngan mandarin nie.. agak steady la.. ala2 stabil gitu.. huhuhu.. aku ader baki 2 sem lagi untuk aku tamat kursus mandarin nie.. insyallah boleh kot.. ok arrr.. nak meng"visit" blog favourite aku jap..
Monday, February 20, 2006
The only class of the day.
woke up a litle bit late this morning membuat kan aku agak kelam kabut.. i got
LAW OF TORT'S class with Pn nora J, one of my favourite lecturer ever..
kelas kol 8.30am, aku bangun kol 8.10am.. nasib baik faculty dekat jer ngan hostel aku, The Perindu (duh??), jalan kaki dlm 7 minit dah leh sampai fac.. klau jauh, memang aku sedang menempah tiket utk "sesi kene marah ngan Nora J" hehe..but, actually, klau lambat sikit, pn nora tak marah arr..biaser je.. klau dah lambt giler tu.. obviously la kn!!
today, kelas tort pasal public nuisance.. nothing much sgt sub-topic ni kalu nk compared to private nuisance.. public nuisance actually berkisar tentang kacau bilau@ gangguan yg ditimbulkan yanb boleh mengganggu ketenteraman and enjoyment of public to enjoy his life or property(ies)..
stop talking about law.. (nanti ader orang boring lak).. abis kelas kol 10.30am tadi.pas tu, terus aku gi lab com nie kat level 5.tak ramai sgt gune lab hari ni coz majority of law student aderr kelas sampai kol 12.30pm ari nie..so, time lunch nanti ramai ar kot..
aku baru jer pas tgk video clip mantan PM, Dr M di interview by arabian tv due to charge made by egyptian lawyers upon Bush, Blair and Sharon.. memang interesting gak video tu and lot of rational words come from DR M also.
visit this website < MEMRI TV >
aku dpt website tu dr on of the blogger kat < MiruL's list > . dlm blog mirul ni pon, byk bende yg interesting.. consider as on eof my favourite blog utk aku visit everyday.
aku dah abis kelas utk ari nie.. petang nanti free jer.. may be aku ank study Malayisan legal system.. byk bende yang aku nk kene cover lg.. daaaaaaa
LAW OF TORT'S class with Pn nora J, one of my favourite lecturer ever..
kelas kol 8.30am, aku bangun kol 8.10am.. nasib baik faculty dekat jer ngan hostel aku, The Perindu (duh??), jalan kaki dlm 7 minit dah leh sampai fac.. klau jauh, memang aku sedang menempah tiket utk "sesi kene marah ngan Nora J" hehe..but, actually, klau lambat sikit, pn nora tak marah arr..biaser je.. klau dah lambt giler tu.. obviously la kn!!
today, kelas tort pasal public nuisance.. nothing much sgt sub-topic ni kalu nk compared to private nuisance.. public nuisance actually berkisar tentang kacau bilau@ gangguan yg ditimbulkan yanb boleh mengganggu ketenteraman and enjoyment of public to enjoy his life or property(ies)..
stop talking about law.. (nanti ader orang boring lak).. abis kelas kol 10.30am tadi.pas tu, terus aku gi lab com nie kat level 5.tak ramai sgt gune lab hari ni coz majority of law student aderr kelas sampai kol 12.30pm ari nie..so, time lunch nanti ramai ar kot..
aku baru jer pas tgk video clip mantan PM, Dr M di interview by arabian tv due to charge made by egyptian lawyers upon Bush, Blair and Sharon.. memang interesting gak video tu and lot of rational words come from DR M also.
visit this website < MEMRI TV >
aku dpt website tu dr on of the blogger kat < MiruL's list > . dlm blog mirul ni pon, byk bende yg interesting.. consider as on eof my favourite blog utk aku visit everyday.
aku dah abis kelas utk ari nie.. petang nanti free jer.. may be aku ank study Malayisan legal system.. byk bende yang aku nk kene cover lg.. daaaaaaa
Friday, February 17, 2006
Sleepy Day of Friday..
oooh my goodness.. mmg penat and sleepy giler hari nie..
jusy woke up from bed at 8.10am and i got constitution law at 8.30am..
per lagi.. rushing giler pagi td..nasib baik prof ismail tu baik.. sampai lambt kelas die pon, he just ingnore me.. huh!! syukur giler. kalu nka compared ngan lecturer lain, klau aku lambt jer, ader la tendency nak "sound" aku.."hah, kamu ni hazwan...lambat ajer masuk kelas saya"
bukan tu jer.. aderr gak yang sound "dah tak leh lambat lagi ker datang kelas, kan nie still awal?".. cam ner?? pedih tak hati?? huhuhuhu.. tp nk buat mcm maner.. this is my mistake due to my carelesness..
talk abour sleepy hah?? aku teringat lak time aku still ASASI LAW (matrix-jun 2004-april 2005).. muke aku la yg selalu dtg lambt.. tp.. kalu nk ikut kan gak.. lambat tu.. tal der la lambat sgt, about 10-15 minutes jer pon.. tu pon dah nak naik angin lecturer tu...
overall la.. tak ramai lecturer yang suke sound student time asasi lu.. tu yang best!! yer la.. klau wat silap besar tu, amc ponteng and so on ker, its ok la klau nak sound, tp klau setakat lambat 10 min pon nak melenting tak tentu pasal...
(jahatnye aku duk perli and kutuk lecturers).. tp nie realiti la.. the ultimate fact of all facts!! hehehehe
aku still sleepy lagi sekarang nie... even sekarang kat comp lab kat PTAR II.. (library utk law and business student)... dah la sejuk aircond ni hah..
raser cam kat snow world genting lak... hehehee.. korang penah gi snow world tak??
aku baru jer 3 kali gi.. tp klau gi theme park genting tu, dah banyak kali dah..
time aku gi snow world tu.. tempreture= -10 degree.. sejuk giler...
tp.. kalu cam miruL yang kat ukraine tu... u lagi best kn.. huhuhuhu
malam nie ader perjumpaan kelab debat dan pidato UiTM Shah Alam.of course aku wajib dtg.. adr traning utk aku coz aku representing uitm utk DEBAT PERDANA tgh bulan march nanti.. debat organize by BAR COUNCIL MALAYSIA.. antara lawyer tu!!
abis la aku nanti...
jusy woke up from bed at 8.10am and i got constitution law at 8.30am..
per lagi.. rushing giler pagi td..nasib baik prof ismail tu baik.. sampai lambt kelas die pon, he just ingnore me.. huh!! syukur giler. kalu nka compared ngan lecturer lain, klau aku lambt jer, ader la tendency nak "sound" aku.."hah, kamu ni hazwan...lambat ajer masuk kelas saya"
bukan tu jer.. aderr gak yang sound "dah tak leh lambat lagi ker datang kelas, kan nie still awal?".. cam ner?? pedih tak hati?? huhuhuhu.. tp nk buat mcm maner.. this is my mistake due to my carelesness..
talk abour sleepy hah?? aku teringat lak time aku still ASASI LAW (matrix-jun 2004-april 2005).. muke aku la yg selalu dtg lambt.. tp.. kalu nk ikut kan gak.. lambat tu.. tal der la lambat sgt, about 10-15 minutes jer pon.. tu pon dah nak naik angin lecturer tu...
overall la.. tak ramai lecturer yang suke sound student time asasi lu.. tu yang best!! yer la.. klau wat silap besar tu, amc ponteng and so on ker, its ok la klau nak sound, tp klau setakat lambat 10 min pon nak melenting tak tentu pasal...
(jahatnye aku duk perli and kutuk lecturers).. tp nie realiti la.. the ultimate fact of all facts!! hehehehe
aku still sleepy lagi sekarang nie... even sekarang kat comp lab kat PTAR II.. (library utk law and business student)... dah la sejuk aircond ni hah..
raser cam kat snow world genting lak... hehehee.. korang penah gi snow world tak??
aku baru jer 3 kali gi.. tp klau gi theme park genting tu, dah banyak kali dah..
time aku gi snow world tu.. tempreture= -10 degree.. sejuk giler...
tp.. kalu cam miruL yang kat ukraine tu... u lagi best kn.. huhuhuhu
malam nie ader perjumpaan kelab debat dan pidato UiTM Shah Alam.of course aku wajib dtg.. adr traning utk aku coz aku representing uitm utk DEBAT PERDANA tgh bulan march nanti.. debat organize by BAR COUNCIL MALAYSIA.. antara lawyer tu!!
abis la aku nanti...
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Priority dalam kehidupan
pernah tak kiter nie kadang-kadang terpikir ttg our own priority of life??
mesti kiter got banyak priorities yang sedang berlegar kat kepale kiter nie..
and kadang-kadang gak, priorities nie overlapped with each other mmbautkan kiter bagai nk mati pikir on how to settle it rite??
same with me... since masuk jer secondary school back in the year of 1999, i already got my priority ( yer la... azam masuk skolah menengah kn!!)
i wanna beat these girl( best student kat my school) coz she is in the 1st ranking and i in 2nd ranking of the school..
nie la jd priority, that aku nk gak beat the girl tak kisah la cara aper2 pon.. so.. i dah tak kisah la ngan perkare lain.. kelab and kokurikulum pon aku tak aktif sgt..
akademik aktiviti jer aku aktif involve.. ber social ngan member2 pon jarang sgt2..
see... how selfish i am?? and thanks got, before i transfered to SMK Mulia Matang Bertari, K.Berang,(the end of form 1), i dapat beat that girl.. die jatuh tangga ke 3 after my very best friend at the 2nd ranking..
so.. bertitik tolak drp persitiwa tu, aku jd mamat yang sentiasa ader priority even aku hanya wat gruop assignment time form 2 sampai la sekarang nie.. even my fren pon ckp that i nie kadang2 akan meng "complicated" kan perkara2 yang mudah( this is one of the bad side of me)
for me... personally, i pikir that everyone of us must adeer "garis pemisah" ( perkataan debat) utk bezakan perkara aper yang more important and less important..
tak kisah la untuk jangka masa panjang @ pendek... when u know the existence of this
"garis pemisah", then its will easier ur life after that... TRUST ME!!
masalahnya, ader diantara kite yang tak letak langsung degree of importaness dalam perkare2 yang kite nak buat.. as the result= there are no complete works have been done!!
ader jugak yang letakkan degree of importaness ni pada semua hal yang die buat..
so... semakin bingung and poyo la plus keje2 tu tak dpt disiapkan jugak...
am i rite fren??
therefore.. starting this moment, try to think the PRIORITY OF YOUR LIFE!!!!
letakan kan garis pemisah nie....
mesti kiter got banyak priorities yang sedang berlegar kat kepale kiter nie..
and kadang-kadang gak, priorities nie overlapped with each other mmbautkan kiter bagai nk mati pikir on how to settle it rite??
same with me... since masuk jer secondary school back in the year of 1999, i already got my priority ( yer la... azam masuk skolah menengah kn!!)
i wanna beat these girl( best student kat my school) coz she is in the 1st ranking and i in 2nd ranking of the school..
nie la jd priority, that aku nk gak beat the girl tak kisah la cara aper2 pon.. so.. i dah tak kisah la ngan perkare lain.. kelab and kokurikulum pon aku tak aktif sgt..
akademik aktiviti jer aku aktif involve.. ber social ngan member2 pon jarang sgt2..
see... how selfish i am?? and thanks got, before i transfered to SMK Mulia Matang Bertari, K.Berang,(the end of form 1), i dapat beat that girl.. die jatuh tangga ke 3 after my very best friend at the 2nd ranking..
so.. bertitik tolak drp persitiwa tu, aku jd mamat yang sentiasa ader priority even aku hanya wat gruop assignment time form 2 sampai la sekarang nie.. even my fren pon ckp that i nie kadang2 akan meng "complicated" kan perkara2 yang mudah( this is one of the bad side of me)
for me... personally, i pikir that everyone of us must adeer "garis pemisah" ( perkataan debat) utk bezakan perkara aper yang more important and less important..
tak kisah la untuk jangka masa panjang @ pendek... when u know the existence of this
"garis pemisah", then its will easier ur life after that... TRUST ME!!
masalahnya, ader diantara kite yang tak letak langsung degree of importaness dalam perkare2 yang kite nak buat.. as the result= there are no complete works have been done!!
ader jugak yang letakkan degree of importaness ni pada semua hal yang die buat..
so... semakin bingung and poyo la plus keje2 tu tak dpt disiapkan jugak...
am i rite fren??
therefore.. starting this moment, try to think the PRIORITY OF YOUR LIFE!!!!
letakan kan garis pemisah nie....
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Prevention step ; logik dan rasional ke?
malam semalam, i got phone call from my dear friend form JB.. uni. teknologi malaysia.
thougt that kitorang boleh gelak2 and gurau macam baiser... (kitorang mmg giler2),
but suddently, she just cries and terus nangis sampai tak cukup oksigen.. she just clashed with her boyfriend..
aku tanye naper?? her BF clash sebab bf die nie got too much of problems( personal problems)...her bf tak nk libatkan my friend ni dgn masalah2 nyer..
diorang dah dingin since last january, where mmg jarang diorang kuar makan and shoping or else together...
so, according to her Bf, dengan break nie aderlah the best way as PREVENTION STEP for her drp terus suffer ngan her bf n her bf's problems.. logic tak??
aku tak tau sgt aper yg terjadi kat diorng lagi... lagi pun aku just dgr dr satu pihak jer.. aku tgh tggu calling dr bf dier nie... nk tanyer and nk tau gak the truth about this problems.. maklum la, jd mediator kn.. huhuhu
personally, kalu nk tgk dalam2 ttg hal nie, ader kah rational and logic aper cara bf die nie?? for me.. aku rase ader rasional and logiknya..
1. kalu betul betul this is the prevention step for let his gf suffer after...aku raser bagus.. yer la, kalu ader masalah macam ni pon diorang tak leh nk settle, just imagine klau masalah semakin besar.. ader yg bunuh diri kot!!
2.prevention step nie jugak functioned as the barrier untuk pisahkan masalah bf nye dr gf nie.. this kind of barrier boleh jd sgt effektif utk keluarkan gf die dr kekangan masalah2 bf nie... so that, no more pain that has to be suffered by his gf..
aku agak kenal bf die nie.. so aku raser aku nampak aper yg berlaku.. i believe that her bf tak ader motive penipuan dlm hal nie.. tp klau ader, maksudnya there is no more love for her!!! this is just a reason ( mcm lagu the reason, duh??)
PREVENTION STEP nie agak efektik gak...(tp tgk keadaan and situasi la) yerr la, kiter korban kan sesuatu (e.g cinta) untk jadi kan equibalance trade untuk kiter PREVENT our beloved one drp suffer due to our own personal problems!!!!
therefore, mcm citer full matel alchemist, mesti ader equibalance trade untuk kiter gain sesuatu.. so.. cinta dikorbankan sebagai equibalance trade utk prevention step nie!!! LOGIC AND ALSO RATIONAL!
thougt that kitorang boleh gelak2 and gurau macam baiser... (kitorang mmg giler2),
but suddently, she just cries and terus nangis sampai tak cukup oksigen.. she just clashed with her boyfriend..
aku tanye naper?? her BF clash sebab bf die nie got too much of problems( personal problems)...her bf tak nk libatkan my friend ni dgn masalah2 nyer..
diorang dah dingin since last january, where mmg jarang diorang kuar makan and shoping or else together...
so, according to her Bf, dengan break nie aderlah the best way as PREVENTION STEP for her drp terus suffer ngan her bf n her bf's problems.. logic tak??
aku tak tau sgt aper yg terjadi kat diorng lagi... lagi pun aku just dgr dr satu pihak jer.. aku tgh tggu calling dr bf dier nie... nk tanyer and nk tau gak the truth about this problems.. maklum la, jd mediator kn.. huhuhu
personally, kalu nk tgk dalam2 ttg hal nie, ader kah rational and logic aper cara bf die nie?? for me.. aku rase ader rasional and logiknya..
1. kalu betul betul this is the prevention step for let his gf suffer after...aku raser bagus.. yer la, kalu ader masalah macam ni pon diorang tak leh nk settle, just imagine klau masalah semakin besar.. ader yg bunuh diri kot!!
2.prevention step nie jugak functioned as the barrier untuk pisahkan masalah bf nye dr gf nie.. this kind of barrier boleh jd sgt effektif utk keluarkan gf die dr kekangan masalah2 bf nie... so that, no more pain that has to be suffered by his gf..
aku agak kenal bf die nie.. so aku raser aku nampak aper yg berlaku.. i believe that her bf tak ader motive penipuan dlm hal nie.. tp klau ader, maksudnya there is no more love for her!!! this is just a reason ( mcm lagu the reason, duh??)
PREVENTION STEP nie agak efektik gak...(tp tgk keadaan and situasi la) yerr la, kiter korban kan sesuatu (e.g cinta) untk jadi kan equibalance trade untuk kiter PREVENT our beloved one drp suffer due to our own personal problems!!!!
therefore, mcm citer full matel alchemist, mesti ader equibalance trade untuk kiter gain sesuatu.. so.. cinta dikorbankan sebagai equibalance trade utk prevention step nie!!! LOGIC AND ALSO RATIONAL!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Kuala Terengganu akan banjir besar!!!!
as a terengganuan, aku sgt2 la risau tentang perkembangan baru nie...
air di empangan kenyir, hulu trg semakin naik- 0.4 m lebih dr paras bahaya..
parents aku stay kat kuala trg nie... so no wonder la naper aku duk risau sgt2 pasal hal nie..
paling last empangan kenyir mendapt kemasukan air secare mendadak ader la sekitar 10 tahun dulu... banjir besar gak sekitar kuala berang, sepanjang sungai trg tp kuala terengganu tak la banjir sgt..
tp kali ni lain.. dah dekat seminggu empangan yg siap dibina pada tahun 1986 dan pernah di iktiraf sebagai empangan terbesar di asia tenggara nie mendapt jumlah hujan yg begitu banyak...
laporan selanjutnya - (Kuala Terengganu akan banjir besar!!!!)
banjir di pantai timur pun semakin buruk... effected state like kelantan, trg and pahang may be akan menerima jumlah hujan yg agak tinggi sepnjang minggu nie...
laporan selanjutnya- (banjir di pantai timur)
air di empangan kenyir, hulu trg semakin naik- 0.4 m lebih dr paras bahaya..
parents aku stay kat kuala trg nie... so no wonder la naper aku duk risau sgt2 pasal hal nie..
paling last empangan kenyir mendapt kemasukan air secare mendadak ader la sekitar 10 tahun dulu... banjir besar gak sekitar kuala berang, sepanjang sungai trg tp kuala terengganu tak la banjir sgt..
tp kali ni lain.. dah dekat seminggu empangan yg siap dibina pada tahun 1986 dan pernah di iktiraf sebagai empangan terbesar di asia tenggara nie mendapt jumlah hujan yg begitu banyak...
laporan selanjutnya - (Kuala Terengganu akan banjir besar!!!!)
banjir di pantai timur pun semakin buruk... effected state like kelantan, trg and pahang may be akan menerima jumlah hujan yg agak tinggi sepnjang minggu nie...
laporan selanjutnya- (banjir di pantai timur)
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Pertandingan debat terbuka ARAU 2006

johan debat terbuka ARAU- Uni malaya
alopssss... nie pics time kitorang gi debat terbuka ARAU yg berlangsung di uitm arau, perlis during cuti mid term baru nie... uitm antar 15 orang pendebat n 4 orng hakim jemputan dr alumni kelab debat dan pidato uitm s.alaam... kene bayar about rm60 sorang... boleh la..
johan disandang oleh Uni malaya.. ( pic atas).. kitorang kalah kat semi final ngan UM nie... final antara UM ngan Tuan rumahm UITM perlis... n uitm perlis kalah ngan hakim 7-0.. ( ader tujuh hakim utk final nie) just imagine la... huhuhuhu..
anyway, congrate la kat uitm perlis coz leh gi final... congrate gak kat UM.. kiter juper kat ASTAR @ debat perdana nanti( UM join debat perdana ker?)

kat bilik persidangan debat. after semi

delegasi UiTM TRG. mmg kawan kamcing

UM... best speaker final= fadzli ( 3 from left)

bangga nyer!!!!

tgh menonton final...

kat DK time final gak..mahzuan, kay and azizah

seronok nyer budak2 trg nie... hehehe

team UiTM S.ALAM 5 ngan uitm cawangan ( WHICH CAW?)

yasmin and azizah ( bilik penginapan)

ME, yasmin, rafizi n azizah... tnggu result semi-final

ketua pengajur tourment debat nie!!
frm left saidi, CK, ipin, kirol, azizah n mahzuan
time brekfes pagi. wait for roll call- i m not here la...
tp, pic time kitorang debat tak leh nak di siarkan coz terlalu confidential arr.. klau nak tgk gak... try to contact me first.... negotiate 1st... hehehe
Seperti yang aku jangka terjadi!!!!
yersterday, mcm aku dah guess b4... mmg aku akan wakil uitm ker tourment debat intervarsiti.. tp ader lagi yg lebih teruk terpakse aku n geng2 tanggung... DEBAT PERDANA....
yup... debat perdana akn berlangsung pd 11/3-13/3/2006 nie... tempat nyer... aku tak confirm lagi.. but somewhere in KL (maybe)..
debat perdana is pertandingan debat dibawah kelolaan BAR COUNCIL MALAYSIA ( majlis peguam MAS) so... yg akn join debat ni ader la dikalangan lawyers dr well established law firm in M'sia (mati aku).. format debat ni same ngan format debat interversiti = ala parlimen m'sia.
naper aku join?? I m not lawyer yer rite? cam ni... coach debat aku= lawyer. so dier nak uitm antar gak satu pasukan debater dibawh LAW FACULTY OF UiTM . menang ke, kalah ker.... its doesnt matter exactly.. yg penting aku nk experience tuh!! tul tak??
tp kn... sebenarnye.. aku tak tau pun pasal debat perdana ni... yg aku tau just debat ASTAR kat UM nie.. so aku gi selection smlm just utk debat ASTAR la... tp... aku terus dipilih utk debat perdana eventhough aku ni mmg nk masuk sgt debat ASTAR tu.. tp aper kn daya kn!!
talk about today.. aku woke up td dlm kol 1.30pm coz semlm tido kol 5.23am... aper lagi.. terlajak tido la aku nie.. huhuhu. so like usuall, bangun tido jer terus cr maggi ... thanks god, just ader satu lg maggi ( actually mee segera SEDAAP, bukan maggi la) perisa soto... ok la.. balun je n i have a cup of MILO... yumme!!
ari nie ujan giler2 nyer lebat... semalm pun ujan, kelmarin pun ujan.. to mujur gak la... coz according to KOSMO! ( selasa- i guess) suhu tnggi mencecah 35 darjah C- sekitar lembah klang
coz of pertukaran angin monsun timur laut. may b berlarutan sehingga march.. so ujan nie, leh la sejuk skit.. rahmat kate kn...
may be tonite, aku nk study law of tort kot coz esok pagi kelas lecture tort ( nuisence ) sort of interesting gak kelas ni coz lecturer mmg best giler.. 80's women.. hehehehe
yup... debat perdana akn berlangsung pd 11/3-13/3/2006 nie... tempat nyer... aku tak confirm lagi.. but somewhere in KL (maybe)..
debat perdana is pertandingan debat dibawah kelolaan BAR COUNCIL MALAYSIA ( majlis peguam MAS) so... yg akn join debat ni ader la dikalangan lawyers dr well established law firm in M'sia (mati aku).. format debat ni same ngan format debat interversiti = ala parlimen m'sia.
naper aku join?? I m not lawyer yer rite? cam ni... coach debat aku= lawyer. so dier nak uitm antar gak satu pasukan debater dibawh LAW FACULTY OF UiTM . menang ke, kalah ker.... its doesnt matter exactly.. yg penting aku nk experience tuh!! tul tak??
tp kn... sebenarnye.. aku tak tau pun pasal debat perdana ni... yg aku tau just debat ASTAR kat UM nie.. so aku gi selection smlm just utk debat ASTAR la... tp... aku terus dipilih utk debat perdana eventhough aku ni mmg nk masuk sgt debat ASTAR tu.. tp aper kn daya kn!!
talk about today.. aku woke up td dlm kol 1.30pm coz semlm tido kol 5.23am... aper lagi.. terlajak tido la aku nie.. huhuhu. so like usuall, bangun tido jer terus cr maggi ... thanks god, just ader satu lg maggi ( actually mee segera SEDAAP, bukan maggi la) perisa soto... ok la.. balun je n i have a cup of MILO... yumme!!
ari nie ujan giler2 nyer lebat... semalm pun ujan, kelmarin pun ujan.. to mujur gak la... coz according to KOSMO! ( selasa- i guess) suhu tnggi mencecah 35 darjah C- sekitar lembah klang
coz of pertukaran angin monsun timur laut. may b berlarutan sehingga march.. so ujan nie, leh la sejuk skit.. rahmat kate kn...
may be tonite, aku nk study law of tort kot coz esok pagi kelas lecture tort ( nuisence ) sort of interesting gak kelas ni coz lecturer mmg best giler.. 80's women.. hehehehe
Friday, February 10, 2006
Hujan lebat giler...
adoi.... aku dah tersadai ni kat library( PTAR II) dah la gi kelas contract ni tadi kene ujan, balik pon.. tak kan nk berbasah2 gak.. tak sanggup aku....
semalam.... aku study constitution law... kelas en.ismail.. opssss sorry prof ismail.... kelas die ptg semalm mmg mengatuk giler tahap dewa... petang pas kelas dier lak ader test contract...
per lagi.. aku ngan geng2 sekepale n sekaki ni duk line belakang sekali n trus bukak buka contract.. STUDY 4 test..huhuhu
supposed to be, aku adr kelas tutorial prof ismail pagi tadi kol 8.30-10.30am n actually, ader test la.... tp.. aku nyer kepaler.... bantai tido n bangun kol 12.30pm tadi.. sebab per bangun lambat??
haaaaaa.... mlm semalam, aku study constitution utk test pagi tadi n study nyer pasal, tido dlm kol 4.30am.. ( sbb before nie aku tak ready pon, jd byk la yg aku kene cover) as the result, aku ter'over' slept la.... entah cam ner aku nk ckp ngan prof utk replacement test nii... hopefully die kasi la aku wat replecement test nie..
kalu tak melepas la aku 15% carry marks utk sem nie.... ADOIIIIII!!!!!!
malam nie ader metting kelab debat dan pidato lak.. ader lak selection utk debat ASTAR UM bulan March nie... kalu aku tak gi, mesti diorang bising.. klau aku gi.. for sure aku mmg kena wakil uitm nie... ( bukan riak, tp kenyataan) dah lah march nie byk test n program hostel n fakulti.....ADOIIIIII!!!!
tp.... tetiba aku dpt kol dr mmber lame kau from SMK mulia matang bestari, k.berang, TRG.. skol aku from form 1-3 b4 aku gi mrsm kuantan... bergayut kat phone kat sejam!!!
byk memori aku ngan die time skoll lu... terlalu byk... sampai aku tetiba rase sayu semacam jer..
my fren= for sure a nice guy.... ( my best fren ever) sekarang kat Uni. Teknologi M'sia, JB ambik koz electerical engineering (degree).. dah lebih 2 taun aku tak jupe die.. i mean... pas SPM.. trus tak jupe... just contact2 cam tu jer....
well.. leh la aku nk hepi skit ngan my fren nie.... tak la sad n frust sgt ari nie.... huhuhuu
semalam.... aku study constitution law... kelas en.ismail.. opssss sorry prof ismail.... kelas die ptg semalm mmg mengatuk giler tahap dewa... petang pas kelas dier lak ader test contract...
per lagi.. aku ngan geng2 sekepale n sekaki ni duk line belakang sekali n trus bukak buka contract.. STUDY 4 test..huhuhu
supposed to be, aku adr kelas tutorial prof ismail pagi tadi kol 8.30-10.30am n actually, ader test la.... tp.. aku nyer kepaler.... bantai tido n bangun kol 12.30pm tadi.. sebab per bangun lambat??
haaaaaa.... mlm semalam, aku study constitution utk test pagi tadi n study nyer pasal, tido dlm kol 4.30am.. ( sbb before nie aku tak ready pon, jd byk la yg aku kene cover) as the result, aku ter'over' slept la.... entah cam ner aku nk ckp ngan prof utk replacement test nii... hopefully die kasi la aku wat replecement test nie..
kalu tak melepas la aku 15% carry marks utk sem nie.... ADOIIIIII!!!!!!
malam nie ader metting kelab debat dan pidato lak.. ader lak selection utk debat ASTAR UM bulan March nie... kalu aku tak gi, mesti diorang bising.. klau aku gi.. for sure aku mmg kena wakil uitm nie... ( bukan riak, tp kenyataan) dah lah march nie byk test n program hostel n fakulti.....ADOIIIIII!!!!
tp.... tetiba aku dpt kol dr mmber lame kau from SMK mulia matang bestari, k.berang, TRG.. skol aku from form 1-3 b4 aku gi mrsm kuantan... bergayut kat phone kat sejam!!!
byk memori aku ngan die time skoll lu... terlalu byk... sampai aku tetiba rase sayu semacam jer..
my fren= for sure a nice guy.... ( my best fren ever) sekarang kat Uni. Teknologi M'sia, JB ambik koz electerical engineering (degree).. dah lebih 2 taun aku tak jupe die.. i mean... pas SPM.. trus tak jupe... just contact2 cam tu jer....
well.. leh la aku nk hepi skit ngan my fren nie.... tak la sad n frust sgt ari nie.... huhuhuu
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
LAW TALK SHOW episode 2 : the vicarious liability.
here we are again in the law talk show hosted by me and my self: hazwan.. yup.. today we gonna look at the law of tort( undang2 kecuaian). the very 1st topic we gonna discuss is all about VICARIUOS LIBILITY..
according to LORD DENNING ( fommer jugde of houswe of lord, UK) said that, vicarious libility is the situation where the EMPLOYER is liable for the tortuous act done by his worker (employee) when it happened in the course of employment.
This also known as joint liability....
there are huge numbers of rational regarding this liability.. but the mains are
1. the employer gets the benefits frm the employee's works...
2.to increase the standard of safety
3. emplyers has greater funds to pay the damages rather then emplyee..
all this mean that, if the worker did negligent act ( tortuous), while he is in the course of his employment, the damages ( compasation) will be paid by the company(emplyer)
but, the not at all time the emplyer is liable...
in order to make the emplyer liable for vicarious liability, there are 3 main elements that should be fulfilled by the emplyeee...
1st element...
- the tortfeasor must be an employee to his master ( employer)
we must defferenciate between 2 things...
-contract of service ( employer-employee relationship)- the emplyer is liable
-contarct of service ( independent contractor)-emplyer is not liable
how to defferenciate the things above??
based to the case of SHORT Vs J & W HANDERSON
-in this case, the are 4 things that be consider in order to determine the employer-employee r/ship.
a) the power of employer to select of his employee
b) the power in determining salary and other remuneration
c) the power or right of employer to control the method done by the employee
d) the power of right of the employer to terminate employee's service..
if the employer has the all the power that stated above upon his worker, so... the people who works for him is his employee.....
according to LORD DENNING ( fommer jugde of houswe of lord, UK) said that, vicarious libility is the situation where the EMPLOYER is liable for the tortuous act done by his worker (employee) when it happened in the course of employment.
This also known as joint liability....
there are huge numbers of rational regarding this liability.. but the mains are
1. the employer gets the benefits frm the employee's works...
2.to increase the standard of safety
3. emplyers has greater funds to pay the damages rather then emplyee..
all this mean that, if the worker did negligent act ( tortuous), while he is in the course of his employment, the damages ( compasation) will be paid by the company(emplyer)
but, the not at all time the emplyer is liable...
in order to make the emplyer liable for vicarious liability, there are 3 main elements that should be fulfilled by the emplyeee...
1st element...
- the tortfeasor must be an employee to his master ( employer)
we must defferenciate between 2 things...
-contract of service ( employer-employee relationship)- the emplyer is liable
-contarct of service ( independent contractor)-emplyer is not liable
how to defferenciate the things above??
based to the case of SHORT Vs J & W HANDERSON
-in this case, the are 4 things that be consider in order to determine the employer-employee r/ship.
a) the power of employer to select of his employee
b) the power in determining salary and other remuneration
c) the power or right of employer to control the method done by the employee
d) the power of right of the employer to terminate employee's service..
if the employer has the all the power that stated above upon his worker, so... the people who works for him is his employee.....
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