Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Priority dalam kehidupan

pernah tak kiter nie kadang-kadang terpikir ttg our own priority of life??
mesti kiter got banyak priorities yang sedang berlegar kat kepale kiter nie..
and kadang-kadang gak, priorities nie overlapped with each other mmbautkan kiter bagai nk mati pikir on how to settle it rite??

same with me... since masuk jer secondary school back in the year of 1999, i already got my priority ( yer la... azam masuk skolah menengah kn!!)

i wanna beat these girl( best student kat my school) coz she is in the 1st ranking and i in 2nd ranking of the school..

nie la jd priority, that aku nk gak beat the girl tak kisah la cara aper2 pon.. so.. i dah tak kisah la ngan perkare lain.. kelab and kokurikulum pon aku tak aktif sgt..
akademik aktiviti jer aku aktif involve.. ber social ngan member2 pon jarang sgt2..

see... how selfish i am?? and thanks got, before i transfered to SMK Mulia Matang Bertari, K.Berang,(the end of form 1), i dapat beat that girl.. die jatuh tangga ke 3 after my very best friend at the 2nd ranking..

so.. bertitik tolak drp persitiwa tu, aku jd mamat yang sentiasa ader priority even aku hanya wat gruop assignment time form 2 sampai la sekarang nie.. even my fren pon ckp that i nie kadang2 akan meng "complicated" kan perkara2 yang mudah( this is one of the bad side of me)

for me... personally, i pikir that everyone of us must adeer "garis pemisah" ( perkataan debat) utk bezakan perkara aper yang more important and less important..
tak kisah la untuk jangka masa panjang @ pendek... when u know the existence of this
"garis pemisah", then its will easier ur life after that... TRUST ME!!

masalahnya, ader diantara kite yang tak letak langsung degree of importaness dalam perkare2 yang kite nak buat.. as the result= there are no complete works have been done!!

ader jugak yang letakkan degree of importaness ni pada semua hal yang die buat..
so... semakin bingung and poyo la plus keje2 tu tak dpt disiapkan jugak...
am i rite fren??

therefore.. starting this moment, try to think the PRIORITY OF YOUR LIFE!!!!
letakan kan garis pemisah nie....

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