Monday, September 26, 2005

jeng-jeng....... the return of me after bad fever!!

alopssss fren out there... ooooops..... i just got really well frm my very bad fever last n another last week...
got crazy on my mind today... just go back at home on last monday n got MC for 6 days..... yes.. thats what i really want..huhuhu....

u know... while i got my bad fever.... i also got sort of gum problem(ah..... just my wisdom teeth gonna be real...)huhuhuu..... also go migrain la....

but today, as i arrived at UiTM as usual, my life is greater than b4...dunne why.. my b coz i realize that my holidays are a lilte bit bored... so i misss my law classs... i really miss it...
so... my b bcoz of that factor, i become a brand new man... GO EWAN!!!! huhuhuhu...

anyway, i try to stay tuned with u all in this very happy go lucky (sort of) web... i guess..
gua chow lu beb...

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