Sunday, September 04, 2005

today's history!!!

yup.... today is a history to me n my life either... i have been created the hottest blog site (hurm.. i guesss so..m i?)...... guy... trying a new stuff, namely the thing that gonna xpose urself to public as a whole is like u "killing" ur self....

yup.. kills ur self...why... huhuhu..of coz la kn.... we r trying to tell the world about our life n so on... even its just a little thing u r exposing.. but its still call as exposure to our life....
but... why i jion this blog??? great question uhh??

ok... for me n my self alone..... get into this blog community is like alway intouch wif my beloved fren also inside this blog... dearset fren that fly far away to other place, fren that i forget b4 n of coz fren that want be freen wif me... (new pal) huhuhu...

really hope here that we all can be the very best fren ever n share the precious n sad moments together..... this what i call true friendship ever...
come n join me to create the world of true friendship!!!!!!!

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