Monday, February 20, 2006

The only class of the day.

woke up a litle bit late this morning membuat kan aku agak kelam kabut.. i got
LAW OF TORT'S class with Pn nora J, one of my favourite lecturer ever..

kelas kol 8.30am, aku bangun kol 8.10am.. nasib baik faculty dekat jer ngan hostel aku, The Perindu (duh??), jalan kaki dlm 7 minit dah leh sampai fac.. klau jauh, memang aku sedang menempah tiket utk "sesi kene marah ngan Nora J" hehe..but, actually, klau lambat sikit, pn nora tak marah arr..biaser je.. klau dah lambt giler tu.. obviously la kn!!

today, kelas tort pasal public nuisance.. nothing much sgt sub-topic ni kalu nk compared to private nuisance.. public nuisance actually berkisar tentang kacau bilau@ gangguan yg ditimbulkan yanb boleh mengganggu ketenteraman and enjoyment of public to enjoy his life or property(ies)..

stop talking about law.. (nanti ader orang boring lak).. abis kelas kol 10.30am tadi.pas tu, terus aku gi lab com nie kat level 5.tak ramai sgt gune lab hari ni coz majority of law student aderr kelas sampai kol 12.30pm ari, time lunch nanti ramai ar kot..

aku baru jer pas tgk video clip mantan PM, Dr M di interview by arabian tv due to charge made by egyptian lawyers upon Bush, Blair and Sharon.. memang interesting gak video tu and lot of rational words come from DR M also.

visit this website < MEMRI TV >

aku dpt website tu dr on of the blogger kat < MiruL's list > . dlm blog mirul ni pon, byk bende yg interesting.. consider as on eof my favourite blog utk aku visit everyday.

aku dah abis kelas utk ari nie.. petang nanti free jer.. may be aku ank study Malayisan legal system.. byk bende yang aku nk kene cover lg.. daaaaaaa


Mohammad Ihab Ismail said...


Mekasih kerana sudi menjenguk A-N-I!!

Salam Muhibbah!

Hazwan Hassan said...

thanks 4 ur words here.. seem kiter ader die hard fan kat ani sini, boleh la kire nye wat exchange knwlegde bout kak ani and malaysian musics industry!!

boleh kn??